
The Utility of an AI Video Creator



In today’s market space, videos are absolutely necessary when it comes to running a business and a successful one at that. Videos have a lot of uses in a business and here are the most common;

Videos as Used in Business

For Commercial Purposes

The main aim of any business is to make money and that requires commercialization of operations. The main way of doing so for online businesses is through ads and campaigns.

Advertising content is the best way of putting your product out there without necessarily overexplaining how it works. Videos of this nature should be short, precise and straight to the point. They are great for raising awareness about a specific product or line of products from your company with various methods of broadcasting them like social media and paid ads.

Let’s talk matters cost now;

Cost may vary depending on how the content was created perhaps as well as other factors. Human-made and edited ads certainly differ in cost compared to using an AI video creator.

Animated How-to Videos

Technology and animation have made it possible to do just about anything which bodes well for businesses. Animating content, and in particular – explainer videos – is a great way of demonstrating something abstract and how it works.

It is easy to brand these videos by using similar colors and themes that fit in seamlessly with your website or any other marketing materials you are deploying. In this case, an AI video is the way to go.

Company Story Videos

There is no better way to improve customer loyalty and connecting with your customers than an insight to the heart of your business. Let them see your business as a living, breathing being taking them on a journey of how the business came to be, your philosophies and everything.

You could also put faces to the names by introducing your team as well as the people higher up – founders and executives. Talk about where you came from, where you’ve been and where you’re going of course.

Customer Stories and Case Studies

You could get your customers involved in the action. A customer success story or testimonial – using real customers of course – goes a long way in preaching your gospel and evangelizing your product or service.

Customers could talk about a project you worked on for them and what the experience was like.

For Recruitment Purposes

At first glance, you’d think that videos can only be used in the profit gaining side of things. Be that as it may, you can also use videos in a way that doesn’t try to drive sales or turn viewers into customers.

Your team basically is the driving factor to growth and success and it is paramount to have the right people in your team. If you are looking to hire, you could create a solid recruiting video to help you with the same. Explain what you are looking for and how working with you will benefit them.

What to Consider When Choosing an AI Video Creation Solution 

With a plethora of uses of video in a business, the next logical question is: How do I get started? All you need is an AI video creator. Before settling on one, there are a couple of things to look out for;

Ease of Use

When it comes to accessibility and ease of use, they all vary. Some are complex and some only require little human input to give you great AI videos. If you haven’t been in the game that long, it is advisable to go for a generator that is pretty easy to use.


Finding a generator that gives you the best value and return for your money is absolutely important. You can’t run ads and campaigns on losses so it’s a logical financial decision as they come. Good news is, some generators come with a free trial period. Here’s an idea;

Use this free trial period to decide if the generator fits the bill so you can opt to further their services or otherwise.

Supported Languages

When creating AI videos, the motive always is to reach as many people as possible, target audience included. To reach a large audience, you need a video generator that is multilingual, giving you the option to create videos in whatever language best fits your needs. It goes without saying that the generator should support the primary language of your target audience.

Avatar Options

When it comes to avatars, you will want to be spoiled for choice with the ability to create and customize your avatars.


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